Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God By Sheila Walsh

I love books by Sheila Walsh and was very anxious about reading Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God. It did not disappoint!
This book addresses a lot of woman’s issues and I found it hit me where I needed it for help in spiritual issues. Sheila Walsh is very good at explaining to and encouraging women in her books. Sometimes I think she is in my head and can see my life and is helping me little by little, telling me to not be worried and showing me that no matter what I do God will accept me and love me no matter what. She uses a lot of her own experiences in her life with her family and her being a speaker at “The Women of Faith”.
Knowing there are others out in the world struggling with certain issues is reassuring and helpful to women in their every day walk. My books by Sheila are always wrote in and highlighted for later encouragement. I keep most pretty close and love to thumb through them and remind myself of things that will help and encourage me in my life.
I would recommend this book to any woman for many reasons and every season of their life.